7 Soal (Essay) Indefinite Pronoun Beserta Jawaban
Kumpulan Soal (Uraian) Materi Indefinite Pronoun

1. Is anywhere an indefinite pronoun?
Everyone, everybody, everything and everywhere are indefinite pronouns. We use them to refer to a total number of people, things and places.
2. What does indefinite pronoun mean?
A pronoun that does not refer to a specific person or thing "Anyone," "something," and "few" are indefinite pronouns.
3. Is any an indefinite pronoun?
But what about indefinite pronouns--such as all, any, both, each, every, few, many, neither, nobody, and none? They do not refer to a specific, definite person. Thus they are called "indefinite pronouns." The indefinite pronouns are a bit trickier than relative pronouns.
4. Is enough an indefinite pronoun?
Indefinite pronouns include partitives such as any, anybody, anyone, either, neither, nobody, no, someone, and some; they also include universals such as every, all, both, and each; finally, they include quantifiers including any, some, several, enough, many, and much.
5. How many types of indefinite pronouns are there?
Three categories
Indefinite pronouns can be divided into three categories based on whether they take a singular or plural verb: Always singular: anyone, everyone, someone, someone, anybody, somebody, nobody, each, one, either and neither. Always plural: both, few, many, others, and several.
6. What is the function of indefinite pronouns?
We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things without saying exactly who or what they are. We use pronouns ending in -body or -one for people, and pronouns ending in -thing for things: Everybody enjoyed the concert.
7. Are themselves indefinite pronouns?
The English indefinite pronouns are: ... singular/plural indefinite pronouns. you, yours, yourself, yourselves. they, them, theirs, themselves