12 Soal Coordinating Conjunction Beserta Jawaban

Kumpulan Soal Pilihan Ganda Materi Coordinating Conjunction

1. They eat … watch television at the same time.
A. So
B. And
C. After
D. Since

B. And

2. We are going to the beach … we finish taking the exam.
A. So
B. And
C. After
D. Since

C. After

3. I would go to my friend’s party, … I have a lot of homework.
A. Nevertheless
B. Therefore
C. Whereas
D. While

A. Nevertheless

4. Many students failed in the mid test, … you should study hard.
A. Nevertheless
B. Therefore
C. Whereas
D. While

B. Therefore

5. Thomas says nice words, … you don’t trust him.
A. So
B. Yet
C. Or
D. But

B. Yet

6. Does Ben have any brothers … sisters?
A. So
B. Yet
C. Or
D. But

C. Or

7. I have got a home, … I haven’t got a car.
A. So
B. Yet
C. Or
D. But

D. But

8. … my father … my mother supported me.
A. Neither … nor
B. And
C. For
D. Nor

A. Neither … nor

9. Which coordinating conjunction can be used to connect two independent clauses to form a compound sentence?
A) For
B) But
C) Nor
D) After

B) But

10. What is the coordinating conjunction in the sentence, "I wanted to go to the party, but I was too tired"?
A) to
B) but
C) too
D) was

B) but

11. Choose the coordinating conjunction that correctly completes the sentence: "She wanted to go to the concert, __________ her friends wanted to go to the movie."
A) for
B) so
C) and
D) nor

C) and

12. Which coordinating conjunction can be used to express a reason or cause?
A) Yet
B) Or
C) So
D) Nor

C) So